
Scrum is a simple (not easy!) agile framework that helps people, teams and organisations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. This game is an interactive way of refreshing the practices of Scrum. The most important objective is the synergy and interactions between the players.

Number of cards:

112 cards

  • 3 green cards
  • 13 orange cards
  • 95 white cards
  • 1 QR code card to instructions & solutions

Play all white cards in your hands and discuss the cards with the entire group


1. Place all green (3) and orange (13) cards face-up on the table

2. Shuffle white cards and divide them equally between all players

a. Either shuffle all (95) white cards

b. Or choose certain difficulties to play with.

3. Let a player start by pairing a white card with the correct orange card(s)

4. Discuss with the entire group why you agree or disagree. Support players that struggle.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for every individual player

6. Continue until no cards are left

7. Debrief game-experience with the group

Game tips

  • The group cards are not equally divided
  • Some cards are more debatable than others

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